Got Questions?

Here are a number of frequently-asked questions that we get:


How much personal time will it take?

In addition to weekly Tuesday night rehearsals, we perform an annual show, usually in the fall, for our families, friends and the community. We also participate in a Sweet Adelines regional competition, which is a weekend in the spring each year, and have an annual weekend retreat to focus on preparing for competition. We also perform for our community in and around our area about 8-10 times per year for local festivals, business events, charitable events, as well as participating in Holiday events and performances. There are also educational opportunities throughout the year which offer classes in our craft of barbershop singing.


What is the cost?

There are yearly dues to International (Sweet Adelines International), Regional (Greater NY/NJ Region #15) and monthly Chapter (Golden Apple Chorus) dues.


What is the audition procedure?

 A potential member may audition after attending 3 rehearsals, and will receive a CD and the music for our two audition songs. Once the guest is ready, she will sing in a quartet setting to demonstrate that she has learned the audition songs, and can successfully hold her part in the quartet.

For more information or questions, please email or

October 18, 2024

Meet the Chorus

Come to the About Us section to meet the director, and find out what we're all about!


Join Us!

Want to sing with a group of fabulous women? Want to learn amazing, classic songs with great harmony? Come to the Join Us section to find out how you can get involved.


New Pix

Come to the photo gallery to check out our most recent pictures.


What is Barbershop?

Find out about this fabulous artform and the organization of women barbershoppers on our What is Barbershop page.


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