Our Photo Gallery:


Harmony through the Holidays - Dec 2023

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Dec 2018 - Drum Hill holiday performance

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July 2018 - Yorktown Pizza fundraiser     20180720-ypp-crop

April 2018 - GOLDEN APPLE         May 2018 - Hot Lunch Quartet

50th anniversary                              First competition

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May 2018 - Installation Dinner

201805-instdinner-cropMay 2018 - Region 15 competition

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May 2018 - New members sparkle on the risers at competition!

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May 2018 - Chorus Liaison and her assistants

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Dec 2017 - Drum Hill                                        Feb 2017 - Valentine's Day serenade   

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Oct 2017 - Support Connection Walk

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April 2016 - Region 15 competition - Most Improved Chorus!

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Birthdays - 2015


Yorktown Pizza and Pasta - July 2015

Support Connection Walk - Oct 2014

Support Connection Walk - October 2nd 2011 - Click Here  

Golden Apple Chorus Dinner - May 2011 - Click Here  

Region 15 Competition - March 2011 -  Click Here

Proclamations - summer 2011 - Click Here  

October 23, 2024

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Want to sing with a group of fabulous women? Want to learn amazing, classic songs with great harmony? Come to the Join Us section to find out how you can get involved.


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What is Barbershop?

Find out about this fabulous artform and the organization of women barbershoppers on our What is Barbershop page.


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